prospective new students through the 2023 UNS SNBP

Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) is one of the state universities in Indonesia that was established in March 1976 and is located in Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta City. In addition to being located in the strategic city of Solo, UNS has a beautiful campus area, highly competent faculties, a complete and modern library, sophisticated infrastructure and laboratories in the Central Java area.

In addition, UNS also has various research and community

service activities that are increasingly being felt by its stakeholders, quite astonishing developments in information technology, alumni with good job positions throughout the country and human resources that have been recognized both at the regional and national levels with impressive achievements in their respective fields.

With these potentials, it is no wonder that UNS is one of the choices for continuing higher education in Indonesia. Moreover, to enter UNS there are various selections that can be followed, one of which is the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP).

What is SNBP UNS 2023 like? Here is the explanation!

What is SNBP?

SNBP or National Selection Based on Achievement is the latest selection process for new student admissions opened by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology to recruit prospective students based on their achievements. This selection is a replacement for the National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN).

SNBP is open to high school/vocational high school/Islamic high school students who have superior achievements to enter and study at universities, both academic State Universities (PTN), Vocational State Universities including Open Universities and State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN).

Things You Should Pay Attention to During SNBP UNS 2023

SNBP is a selection path that is carried out by looking at academic values ​​and other achievements set by each PTN. As an illustration, the number of students accepted through this path is at least 20% of the total university quota. Then the registration fee is fr database shop ee because it is borne by the government

The provisions for selecting study programs or majors in SNBP 2023 are that each student from the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences or Language majors is allowed to choose two study programs from one PTN or two different PTNs.

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The following are the general requirements that every UNS 2023 SNBP participant must follow.

  1. Participant requirements

Final year high school/vocational high school students (grade 12) in 2023 who have superior achievements:

  • Have academic achievements and meet the requirements determined by each PTN
  • Have NISN and be registered in PDSS
  • Have semester 1 to 5 report card grades that have been filled in on PDSS
  • Participants who choose study programs in the fields of arts and sports are required to upload a portfolio.

2. School requirements

  • SMA/MA/SMK who have NPSN.
  • Accreditation Requirements:
  • Accreditation A: Top 40% in school
  • Accreditation B: Top 25% in school
  • Accreditation C and others: top 5% in school
  • Filling in the School and Student Database (PDSS). Only eligible student data is filled in according to the provisions.

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Special Provisions for SNBP UNS 2023

In SNBP UNS 2023, this campus accommodates various achievements owned by each applicant. For that, you can include a portfolio of ach warmadewa university departments, what are they? ievements, either in the field of sports or arts organized by KONI, POPSI and or agencies/agencies in accordance with their fields in the last 2 years

In addition, you also attach achievements in the field of Science and Technology (Iptek) organized by competent institutions/agencies with high credibility in the last 2 years as your portfolio.

UNS also accommodates Hafidzul Qur’an (those who have memorized the Al Qur’an) of at least 15 juz, as stated by a tahfidz certificate from a competent institution with high credibility in the last 2 years.

UNS SNBP Affordability 2023

This year, UNS accepted a quota of 2,043 pathway, making it the PTN with the second largest number of study programs in SNBP. There are 96 study programs (prodi) or departments provided by UNS in SNBP 2023, consisting of 72 study programs in the Bachelor’s program and 14 study programs in the Vocational program.

UNS Study Program with the Largest Capacity and Few Enthusiasts

For those of you who want to enter UNS  usa bu with low competition, you should take a major that has many applicants with a large capacity. There are at least three study programs at UNS with less than 100 applicants. These study programs include Fine Arts with 42 applicants, Fine Arts Education study program with 52 applicants and Art Craft (Textile Design) study program with 53 applicants.

Here is a list of 10 UNS study programs with the largest capacity and few applicants.

  1. Fine Arts 42 enthusiasts
  2. Fine Arts Education 52 fans
  3. Art Craft (Textile Design) 53 enthusiasts
  4. Physics 100 enthusiasts
  5. Special Education (Special Education) 104 enthusiasts
  6. Interior Design 114 fans
  7. Sports Coaching Education 120 enthusiasts
  8. Building Techniques Education 126 fans
  9. Chemistry Education 132 fans
  10. Physics Education 133 enthusiasts

Studying at UNS is Smooth with Payment Using Danacita

That is a complete explanation of SNBP UNS 2023. If you want to continue your studies in one of the UNS departments but have financial constraints, don’t worry, because Danacita can be the best solution for you.

Danacita is a platform that provides educational financing solutions for students, college students, and professionals to study at higher education institutions and course institutions. Danacita is here to bridge the need for educational costs in Indonesia, with an affordable educational financing assistance program that can be paid in installments starting from 6 months to 24 months.

The requirements for submitting to Danacita are very easy because it does not require a DP or Guarantee. You only need to attach your KTP, Proof of Bill, and Proof of Income for the last 1 month. In addition to being easy, Danacita is also guaranteed to be safe because it is licensed and supervised by OJK, and has been certified ISO 27001 for the security of your transaction data.

For more information, please seor if you want to start applying, you can click via the Danacita 

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