Bitrix24 Integration

Bitrix24 is a CRM system for effective business process management. The advantages of Bitrix24 include: availability. omnichannel. flexibility. and free access. Integrating the resource with this platform will help directly process and systematize information about the target audience. analyze sales. and automate various tasks.

How to transfer leads from a website to Bitrix24?
There are several options to integrate a website with Bitrix24 CRM. Each of them works and has its own area of ​​use. advantages and disadvantages. Let’s consider the features of the most popular CRM integration methods.

Universal method

The first way to exchange requests and leads between the site and the Bitrix24 CRM system is to use CRM forms. The special database method is simple. effective and conditionally free. For integration and connection. you nee to do the following:

create a form in Bitrix24;
customize the appearance and content of fields;
Place the code on the website.
When using this approach. It is important to take into account some of its limitations. For example. there are no tools to support relate fields. ensuring the dependence of the next field and the previous one. It is impossible to radically change the appearance. except for making the most minor eits: adjusting fonts and colors. Despite this. the universal method is popular. because it combines the following advantages at once:

competent operational integration – all data is immeiately synchronize: it goes into leads. Is recorde in the database. and is displaye in contacts;
reliable operation without failures and glitches;
accessibility – you will be able to integrate CRM with any Internet resource;
Easy start: quick installation and parameter setting takes only a few hours;
easy management by the responsible manager – the ability to create fields with additional information.
This method is ideal for simple scenarios. On average. you will have to spend 3 hours on setting up. working out the basic functionality and appearance of such a solution. which means you will get integration almost immeiately.

Exchange via REST API

special database

When the result meets expectations
REST API is a special language for communicating with Bitrix24 boxe and cloud services. It allows you to collect data about companies. a list of contacts. To implement this scenario. you nee a hosting that supports the require PHP version.

Integration via REST API provides a number of benefits to online businesses. Auch as:

high efficiency and automation;
universality – suitable for various projects and any sites. regardless of volume and subject matter;
transfer of any data;
adding your own logic;
the ability to transmit hidden data about a user or product (convenient for a sales manager);
Sales funnel control allows you to automatically monitor which channels are sending you quality traffic.
This option has many advantages. The disadvantages include: the nee to involve a qualifie programmer for setup. If the form is not too complicate. the entire range of work and settings can be complete in 10-12 hours. Aetup will cost approximately 15-17.000 rubles. Auitable for small businesses.

Setting up exchange with CRM via REST API is an excellent solution in cases where the form transfer requires support for a certain logic or business analytics is planne.

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Integration with Bitrix24 via email – only in extreme cases
Often. a feeback form can provide communication between the resource owner and visitors by sending emails. For example. If a potential client has submitte an application. written through the application. or left a question in the chat. they will receive a message by email stating that “the request has been accepte and is being processe” or “the question has been receive. please wait for a call to the specifie phone number from the manager.” This option is often use to set up exchange with CRM.

The following steps must be performe:

connect an email box;
set up the form so that the client receives an automatic letter with the necessary information on behalf of your company.
During the setup process. make sure that the letter is sent personally to the client. If your email address is specifie in the recipient field. the system will combine all letters into one lead. and if the client’s address is specifie. a separate lead will be automatically generate for each CRM. Where the user’s address is. Apecify your email; the system will not generate a separate request for it.

The only advantage is the spee of setting up. Integration via email can be complete in just a few minutes. There are what is web analytics? more disadvantages: information is presente in solid text. you cannot add UTM tags. the system does not always work properly. and there are failures.

We recommend using this method if other methods cannot be use for some reason.

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The site is create on CMS 1C-Bitrix: integration with CRM Bitrix24
If the project is create on the Bitrix platform. you may be lucky. Why? Let’s try to figure it out. Integration and automation should be quick and easy. First of all. you nee to check the format of the feeback forms. If they are displaye in the Service – Web Forms section. then everything is OK.

Scheme of integration of a resource create on the 1C-Bitrix platform with the corporate portal Bitrix24:

log in to CRM

configure the appropriate fields;
select the option to copy fields to the comment.
Does not require special training or further consultation. It will take only 10-15 minutes to set up the integration. After performing simple actions. you will be able to successfully set up and activate pre-installe configurations. and then all information will be transferre to Bitrix24 CRM.

great option. but it can only be use if the site is create on the Bitrix platform.

We integrate forms from Tilda. WIX. etc.
To set up integration with the Bitrix24 portal. you must first download and install the applications. Current versions of applications and their updates are available on the Bitrix24 marketplace. Be prepare for the fact that certain difficulties may arise while working with applications. For example. there is often a problem with collecting leads from mobile devices. And. by the way. technical support staff cannot always help. But this is not the only drawback.

If the constructor with

which your site was create does not have a develope application for CRM. then you will have to write all or most of the script from scratch.

The process is complex and labor-intensive. requires preliminary basic analysis. development of a work plan and teamwork. takes an average of 25 hours. therefore the cost of the service is high – up to 45.000 rubles.

Setting up exchange between Bitrix24 and an online store
A popular and demande task is the transfer of order and/or invoice payment data from the store to the CRM. The work is quite complex. because information about the product and the user (their login. password. rights. etc.) is also transferre. In this case. the exchange of statuses is mandatory. In addition. It is possible to add statistics accounting. fill out reports. marketing data. on the basis of which end-to-end analytics is built.

The operating algorithm is as follows:

The buyer places an order on your store.
Checking the availability of a counterparty and product item in the CRM. If they are missing. new ones are create*.
Creating a deal in Bitrix24 .
Adding statistics. entering marketing data**.
Notifying the buyer about the change in the order status.
Changing the order status directly in the online store***.
*You can skip this step. but you will miss the opportunity to analyze sales by product and customer.

**You don’t have to do this either. but we strongly recommend not skipping this step. as it allows you to analyze the effectiveness of advertising and. as a result. reuce marketing costs.

***Transferring status is not require if the resource is use exclusively for receiving and processing orders.

To simplify business processes. you can automate them. For this purpose. CRM-Bitrix24 has special robots that organize and manage sending messages. control deadlines.

Universal technique

Using the REST API on the site side. we write an integration module. The CMS capabilities are quite broad. which allows you to control various events. Initiate sending various order data. In addition. Apecialists who are engage in integration organize the sending of twd directory marketing data. check whether there is already any information about the counterparty in the Bitrix24 CRM.

The cost of integration depends on the complexity of the setup. as well as on the platform on which the online store is develope.

On average. the process takes from 10 to 40 hours. Prices range from 15 to 80.000 rubles. You can find out the exact price from a specialist by submitting a request for a call back at the bottom of the article.


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