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5 successful influencer advertising campaigns

What is the secret to a successful influencer advertising campaign ? There is no exact answer to this question and no one has the magic formula. However, a good place to start is to look at the benchmark campaigns that have managed to succeed in the world of influencer marketing . Analyzing their characteristics and the reasons for their success is a great lesson that we can use to apply to our own campaign.

And that is precisely the exercise brother cell phone list we have done in this article so that you don’t have to. We have selected 5 great campaigns with influencers and extracted the keys to their success. Our recommendation? That you apply everything you have learned at the end of the reading to your own influencer campaigns. We assure you that they will improve enormously.

1. UOC with Mariona Casas

Mariona Casas was one of the influencers chosen by the UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) to promote the language courses of this Catalan university.
This influencer, who grew exponentially during the quarantine thanks to her traditional sense of humour, reflects everyday situations through ironic scripts. With a community of 1.8 million followers on TikTok, she achieved almost 500k increase your online store sales with Paid traffic views with her first post and a very positive engagement rate.

Social media has become a key element of the UOC’s marketing strategy, which relies on collaboration with influencers to generate branding and gain notoriety . Influencers generate content to publicise the brand’s attributes, always emphasising the institution’s values ​​and mission. This allows, in addition to offering a more varied 5 successful and recognisable discourse, to transmit the content in a minimally invasive way and ukraine business directory obtaining a better reception from the audience.

2. Google with Ariane Hoyos

Google wanted to promote its new feature, Google Lens , a visual search tool. Its main goal was to let viewers know how they could use it in their daily lives. To do this, they launched an advertising campaign with three influencers simulating different situations in which you could see how Google Lens was a really useful tool.

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