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Use your platforms to sell illiquid goods

Use your platforms Sell ​​off illiquid assets yourself using online classifieds. This way you can recoup at least some of your investment. Read this guide on how to sell on Yula, andhere and here on Avito .

Social networks, a telegram channel, or an online store website.

Recycling is a suitable method if the remaining illiquid assets are gambling data korea small and it is impractical to resell them and pay a commission for storage in the VB warehouses.

Donate illiquid assets to charity.

Use your platforms Offer goods to buyers or stock shops.

How to prevent the appearance of illiquid goods

Even one illiquid card on Wildberries can “pull down” the entire store, especially if the assortment is small. The marketplace calculates the overall average turnover of the store, and if the shelf life of other goods is also close to critical indicators, it will be difficult for the seller to successfully sell goods on the site.

Ways to prevent the appearance of illiquid goods on WB:

  • Before launching a new product on the platform, conduct a niche analysis. You need to make sure that there is regular demand for this position on VB, which is not limited to a short season. A guide to choosing a profitable niche for trading on Wildberries is in this article .
  • Assess the competition and look at sales among other how to change security settings sellers using analytics services . If more than 50% of all sales are accounted for by two or three sellers, there is a monopoly in this product category. You shouldn’t go to VB with such a product.

In the category “Wall brackets” there is a clear monopoly of three sellers. Source: analytics service LikeStats

  • Correctly calculate the volume that you plan to deliver to jiangsu mobile phone number list the Wildberries warehouse. If you have a new card, deliver a small amount of goods to avoid large balances and subsequently illiquid goods. At first, it is better to make many deliveries, but small ones, or work according to the FBS scheme until your card reaches the top. We compared different schemes of cooperation with Wildberries in this review.
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