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The marketplace began to grow rapidly

The marketplace The marketplace When the well-known Etsy service and other foreign peer-to-peer platforms left the Russian market. As of 2024, Masters Fair has about 8 million clients per month, and more than 2.3 million designer products are present.

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What products can be sold at the Masters Fair

The Fair’s catalogue contains a wide range and a large selection gambling data mexico of categories: goods for home and interior, goods for summer cottages and gardens, paintings and panels, lighting, gifts and souvenirs, cosmetics, stationery, goods for children and much more.

Catalog of Masters Fair

At first glance, it may seem like a regular marketplace. But this 5 tips to help b2b business sellers create more positive buying experiences is not the case, since most of the goods on Wildberries, Ozon, Yandex Market and other well-known marketplaces in Russia are mass-produc goods, often manufactur in Chinese factories and purchas by sellers directly from manufacturers or through intermiaries. There are strict rules at Masters Fair – serial goods cannot be sold here.

What products can be sold at the Masters Fair:

Handmade goods . This includes handmade jiangsu mobile phone number list jewelry, dishes, clothes, shoes, toys, paintings, decorative and interior items, tools, etc. At the same time, the seller is not oblig to present these goods only in a single copy or make them with his own hands – local brands and workshops that use hir labor can work on the site.

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