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Company committee: what it is, regulation, powers and functions

A works council is a group of people who work in a company and represent the rest of the workers . They play an active role in communication with the company. In fact, they are responsible for solving problems and making requests, on behalf of the entire workforce, to those responsible for the company’s organization. They are essential, above all, in these cases: When it is necessary to negotiate job or salary improvements. There is a possibility or threat of a strike. In times of collective processes, for example EREs and ERTEs . When negotiating collective agreements in the business sector. Obviously, it would be impossible and impractical to have to listen to each employee in the company and negotiate with them one by one. The established body is, precisely, this type of committee.

What legal requirements must the works council comply with in Spain?

They carry out their democratic representation , communicate with them and act as transmission belts for the ideas of the workers and the proposals of the management. Article 63 of the Workers’ Statute is the legal document that defines, standardises and specifies everything related to Jordan Phone Numbers company committees in our country. So much so that its first paragraph clearly specifies what the concept refers to, which it defines as a representative, collegiate body that defends all the workers in a company or workplace. It is mandatory in companies with 50 or more employees. The works council must necessarily be made up of employees from the same company, chosen in a democratic manner. As a result, and only in this way, can they represent the entire workforce. Perhaps, at this point, you are wondering who can be part of these committees.

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The distribution is fully defined

In reality, any professional from the company, permanent or temporary. With more than six months’ seniority in the company can be chosen as a representative. However, it is normal to choose experienced candidates who are familiar with the company and its circumstances. It is also important that they Jordan Phone Number List have negotiation and communication skills. The preparation and quality of the representatives will allow for improved results. Three unquestionable legal requirements Among other aspects regulated by Spanish law, there are three particularly significant issues that you should be aware of in relation to the company committee. Number of members based on number of employees.  representatives for companies with between 50 and 100 employees, 9 if there are between 100 and 250, and so on up to 2 representatives for every 1000 employees, up to a maximum of 75, in the largest companies.

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