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All these features directly affect whether the brand can boast of a good name. However, there is one more element that potential customers pay attention to the human face of the brand. If you are interest in a product or service of a given company, but you do not know the brand that well, the first thing you will do is to check the reviews, for example in the Google search engine. It is known that the company website will not mention any defects of the service or product offer, and will describe them in superlatives. Opinions on the web also do not have to be one hundr percent true who of us has not once encounter positive comments and opinions.

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Clearly written by the algorithm or the marketing department. This is where employee advocacy comes in. When we find an opinion of a company employee on the web, additionally plac on his private profile in one of the social mia, the thought immiately comes to mind Something must be up. Since an employee shares information about his employer on Bosnia and Herzegovina Mobile Number List his profile, there is a high probability that his words are sincere. This is what the EA program is all about building positive emotions in potential recipients. increasing sales What are the benefits of employee advocacy The main benefit is arousing emotions and building trust among customers.

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Positive brand perception is a very important element of brand building. Other benefits of using the EA program include improvement of business results according to the elman website report from https elmanexpertisebusiness marketing b b thought leadership impact study , as many as of respondents admitt that they trust more the opinion of an employee or influencer than messages coming directly from the brand; hence they will sooner decide to buy recommend by an employee of a given company than by the company itself; · increasing USA B2B List the involvement of employees in the company’s activities transferring some of the employees.

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