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Is It Worth Investing In Digital Marketing

In times of pandemic, it is necessary to tighten your belt, cut costs even further (since costs are like nails, you have to keep cutting) and increase the efficiency and productivity of your business. And for a small company to invest in Digital Marketing during the crisis seems exactly like sailing against this tide, right? Wrong!

Investing in Digital Marketing, done correctly, will allow your micro or small business to:

Have a digital presence, not “hiding” from your potential customers;
Keep your current customers, without handing them over to Guatemala Mobile Number List your competitors;
And be able to find the strength to get through this difficult time, growing faster and more profitably.
Poorly structured cost cutting or poorly allocated investment can ruin your business.

Here are some good reasons that will make you believe that investing in Digital Marketing during a crisis could be the best decision to make:

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Creating Relevant Content
Investing in Digital Marketing in the Crisis with Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing Methodology

A good way for your business to grow in a sustainable manner is to work on Digital Belarus Phone Number List Marketing through Inbound Marketing, where the focus of the work is to generate quality and relevant content, greatly increasing the chance of winning new customers coming from a Google search or through content shared on social networks.

Studies show that websites with 51 to 100 pages receive 48% more traffic than websites with 1 to 50 pages. Another study shows that companies that blog at least twice a month generate 70% more leads than those that don’t blog.

In Inbound Marketing, well-made content optimized with the right keywords can lead a small business to become an authority on a subject. And the cool thing about creating content is that it lasts forever; years from now, it can be found and continue to be accessed, unlike other media where your content only stays online as long as the budget is paid for.


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