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Success Through Social Mia Management

These are netnography very good knowlge of the target group , vari forms of content – ​​not only graphicsphotos taking advantage of seasonality. And prevailing trends, following the user along his shopping path and the key to success, which is empathy. See Netnography what it is and how you can use it Summary CRASH Mondays is a great opportunity to exchange experiences and knowlge, but also to expand your network of contacts. Participants of the event have the opportunity not only to listen to the invit experts, but also to take part in competitions and win e.g. books from publishers SQN, Karakter or Onepress or magazines Fit Marketing.

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The partner of the event is also. RocketJobs, who are co organizers of the next competition. In it, you can win sweatshirts sign with their logo. We would like to thank the organizers for the invitation and the participants for the great atmosphere In a month, the Wrocław ition of. CRASH Mondays celebrates its first birthday, so we invite everyone to celebrate now. Details will be available soon on the organizer’s Facebook page. When we make decisions Belgium Mobile Number List in the professional or private sphere, it often seems to us that we do it fully consciously. Unfortunately, we are usually wrong, because one of the characteristics of people is irrationality, and our choices are very strongly influenc by emotions.

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However, the situation is not hopeless, because. We can help ourselves with tools that will protect us from hasty decisions and allow us to better analyze problems. The creator of one of these solutions is the Maltese psychologist and doctor ward de Bono. Thinking hats what are they ward de Bono conduct research that show that a person is able to analyze. A situation or problem in only three ways. They are relat to the character of a given person, his ucation and the environment from which he comes. De Bono invent a tool that allows us to look at the USA B2B List problem from six perspectives and these are all possible models of assessing the situation. Initially, this method was us only in psychology.

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