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Second parts aren’t always bad

Let’s remember!… As we have already discussed in other posts, Google Ads custom columns offer us endless possibilities . If you don’t remember, I invite you to take a look at the post about custom columns in Google Ads that we have prepared for you before continuing reading .

As you know, thanks to this feature provided by Google

we can create custom columns in a practical way to Bulgaria Mobile Number List  show specific views of the data that interest us most in our business and that we cannot find in the metrics already available, and quickly consult that relevant information.

Phone Number List

Now that we have made a brief introduction to Google Ads custom columns, let’s get down to business and go a little deeper into this functionality, as we now have some new features that could be very useful.

What’s new in Google Ads custom columns?
As we mentioned, the new updates that Google has brought

As you know, thanks to this feature provided by Google

to advertisers give us much more control over what we can see in the interface. These improvements include:

Adds spreadsheet functions . This is the most significant change to custom columns, as they will produce a result called the “return result value,” which can be a number, text, a True or False value, or a date type, depending on the function. Most functions require parameters, which are the inputs to the function. In the end, they act in a similar way to the spreadsheet; arithmetic, logical, text, and date functions can be added. Here is a list of available formulas and their parameters .
References other custom columns in the formula .

As you know, thanks to this feature provided by Google

If you change the formula in the other custom column, it will automatically update in the custom columns that reference it. Therefore, only columns that are from the same account can be referenced.
Calculate and compare data across date ranges . This allows us to quickly diagnose which campaigns/ad groups/keywords are achieving specific metrics and goals over a given time period.
Custom columns will also have the ability to have multiple filters (such as by custom variable, device, or conversion action) in one formula for better segmentation. Here are the available filters .
Add constants to formulas . You can now enter fixed values, text values ​​if the context is appropriate, as well as true or false to represent a true or

As you know, thanks to this feature provided by Google

false constant, respectively.
So, what do you think of all this? Have you already used all these new features of custom columns? How do you use them in your reports? We like to learn new things every day.

And if all this information is not enough for you, keep reading. Here are a couple of examples of how we use these new custom column features with our clients.

And now… a little more about our favorite custom column

As we spend time on the Google Ads platform, we discover Belgium Phone Number List  new features and data columns that we think are essential to apply to our clients’ businesses, as long as it is relevant information that provides value. Let’s look at new examples of custom columns:

Generate a custom column to see what % of the budget our campaigns are consuming on average in the last 7 days
In this case, this custom column provides us with information about the percentage of the budget that we are spending on campaigns on average in X period of time , in this case, we have selected 7 days. custom columns in google adsThis would be the written rule, so you don’t even have to think:

((Cost.date_range(last_7_days) / 7) / Daily_Budget)

Expected Expense, a very simple but extremely useful column
It’s the 8th of the month, we’ve spent a significant portion of our budget on campaigns and we’re worried about the monthly spending rate… It’s as easy as taking the current investment and dividing it by the number of days elapsed in the month, multiplied by the number of days left to finish it. This column can be applied at the campaign, ad group and keyword level.

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