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Smart and attractive descriptions

Use Influencers Smartly

Influencers remain to this day a particularly Smart and  effective way to promote an e-shop and increase followers on your Instagram page.

What you need, however, is to utilize them in a smart way, always to your advantage.

The new trend is for so-called micro-Influencers  c level contact list to be particularly popular for promoting products and online stores.

These are Instagram users who have small Smart and  communities (with 5,000, 10,000 and 20,000 followers). However, their audience seems to be more “loyal” and willing to accept the messages they convey.

Therefore, you don’t need to spend a fortune trying to get exposure through Influencers with hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers.

You just need to find those that have their own active community and appeal to an audience similar to your target audience.

For example, if your e-shop sells clothes, a micro-Influencer who deals with technology gadgets certainly can’t offer you much.

You should also give great importance to the texts that accompany your Instagram posts.

You need smart and engaging description maintaining the distribution list using bounce managements for the videos and photos you upload.

Invest in creating original content that will break away from the ordinary while also providing valuable information to Instagram users.

A style description of “sleeveless blouse price 19.90 b2b sale lead  euros” lags significantly behind a description of “The sleeveless blouse is in fashion this year and is offered as an excellent clothing option for a morning walk or a relaxed afternoon outing.”

Discover our rich collection of sleeveless blouses starting at just 19.90 euros and elevate your style and mood.”

The more information you give Instagram users about your products, the more you help them understand why they need them.

You don’t need to go to extremes, of course, but keep your texts short and concise.
After all, your goal is to pique their interest and provide them with information, not to bore them.

#6 – High-quality videos and photos

Make sure that the photos and videos you use in your posts are high resolution and quality.

The ideal is of course that it is material that you have created yourself and not stock photos and videos.

In addition to needing high-definition content to capture the attention of Instagram users, it’s important that the products depicted in the photos and videos are the ones that someone will actually find in your online store.

This way, you increase the credibility of your e-shop and your potential customers are able to have an idea of ​​your products from the start, so that they can decide whether they really satisfy them and whether they really want to proceed with a purchase.

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