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Strategy “Achieving the optimal position

Strategy Achieving For both strategies, you can set a display schedule.

If you want to achieve optimal ad position while limiting your maximum CPM bid, the first strategy is for you.

Follow these steps:

  • Strategy Achieving Specify the optimal position for product cards.
  • Set your maximum bid per thousand impressions.

The bidder has an AI predictor of the rate required to achieve a given position:

The interface also highlights the probability of achieving the desired position, depending on the set rate. The closer the rate is to the recommended one, the higher the probability:

Next, select the tool’s operating tactics for those cases where it is not possible to hold the position at the specified rate.

There are three options available here:

  • Take the highest possible position at the maximum bid.
  • Stop advertising and resume showing it when the spam database specified bid is sufficient.
  • Stop the ad and do not resume its display.

The last step of the setup is to determine the time interval for the strategy. In the settings, specify the hours of display and days of the week.

After completing all the above steps, save the settings.

Strategy “Impressions at maximum bid”

If you want to limit your maximum bid but not be tied to a specific ad placement, the Max Bid Impressions strategy is for you.

To set up a strategy, follow these steps:

  • Specify the maximum CPM rate yourself or use the AI ​​algorithm’s recommendation.
  • Select the time interval. As in the settings of the other ways to troubleshoot settings previous strategy, select the hours of display and days of the week on which the strategy will work.
  • Save the strategy settings.

The tool allows you to connect several strategies within jiangsu mobile phone number list a campaign. To do this, scroll down the page and click on “+ Add another advertising strategy”:

In total, up to 10 strategies can be used within a bidder for one campaign.

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