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What are beacons and what are they used for?

Beacons have proven to be fundamental and quite powerful resources when it comes to proximity marketing.

These devices have a wide range of applications for almost any field, especially in the world of marketing. But they are also invaluable when it comes to improving the user and customer experience.

That’s why today we’ll tell you everything that beacon technology can offer and why beacon marketing has been so successful in recent years. 

What are beacons and what are they used for?

Beacons are small devices that Qatar Phone Number Data emit radio frequency signals to transmit information to nearby devices, such as smartphones or tablets, through technologies such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

These devices are used primarily to provide information, services or notifications based on a user’s location .

Beacon technology is very popular in marketing and commerce applications, as it allows personalized messages or promotions to be sent to users when they are near a beacon. 

For example, in a retail store, beacons can send special offers to customers who are near certain products, encouraging them to make a purchase.

Mobile phone number

How beacons work

Beacons transmit signals within Belize Phone Number List preset intervals. And receiving devices, such as smartphones, can detect these signals when they are within range of the beacon. 

Once the connection is established, the receiving application can determine the user’s location and send content.

Beacons now do not actively track users’ movements or collect personal information unless the receiving app is designed to do so. Users must consent to receive beacon notifications and information.

Applications of beacons

1. Customer attraction

Beacons can provide detailed information about specific products or services when customers approach them. And helping your customers make decisions can… That’s righ .

You can also use beacons to track customer visits and purchases, and reward them with points or discounts when they reach certain milestones. This fosters loyalty and encourages customers to return.

2. Personalized messages and campaigns

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