What is illiquid goods on Wildberries bring a lot of problems to the seller: expenses for the warehouse storage service, an increase in the average turnover of the store and the loss of product card positions in search results. The appearance of illiquid goods can be prevent, and if it has already form, you can try to get rid of it wisely. We tell you in more detail how to work with stale balances in the marketplace warehouses.
What is illiquid on Wildberries
In any sales, including trading on Wildberries, there is a concept of illiquid goods. This includes items that sell poorly or are not sold at all, that is, they lie in the warehouse and do not bring profit to the seller.
Defective, incomplete or expir goods do not always act as illiquid assets; other factors also influence poor demand.
Here are the most common reasons for the gambling data hong kong appearance of illiquid goods:
- seasonality;
- too high price;
- ignoring participation in the marketplace’s marketing campaigns;
- poor optimization of the product card;
- low quality of goods;
- Low rating bas on customer reviews.
Also, illiquid assets can be form
If the seller has put too much goods in warehouses, and the demand for the goods has fallen, or has poorly analyz the level of competition in the niche on Wildberries.
The visual dashboards show data on the ratio of products in auto advertising, search advertising and organic search of Wildberries over the last 30 days, mian and average CPM, the price of boosting one how to remove browser hijacker position, cards with leading products in advertising and the top 5 products in each category.
The table contains information on the top 100 competitors’ products: positions before and after the boost, position price, CPM and other data.
Fragment of a table with data on competitors’ products in PromoPult
The report can be shar via a unique link that will work for 7 days, even with users who are not register in PromoPult.
Competitor analysis helps you choose the right bid jiangsu mobile phone number list management policy, expand the semantics of your advertising campaign, and select the right strategy.
Analyze statistics, make changes to strategies and save your advertising budget with the help of the Promo Pult bidder.