Basically, the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) prioritizes user consent and grants them rights when collecting information on the internet. The APND (National Data Protection Authority) is responsible for monitoring companies that comply with this law and penalizing those that leak data. This law was enacted in 2018, and we can say that the LGPD will influence your business’s digital marketing strategy , as the ways in which data is collected, stored and shared will be permeated by it. This is a very important topic for all professionals who use customer data, so be sure to check out this content.
How the LGPD will work
The internet is a large network interconnected by several access providers. Its main function is to promote the exchange of information between these providers and, with the LGPD. Therefore, this will be done more securely. With 134 million users in Brazil, the Job Seekers Database unbridled growth of the internet has created an uncontrollable environment in the cyber world. The biggest problem is the exchange of data that is done without the user’s consent . The without even knowing what purposes their information is intended for. Many bills have been studied to create security in the virtual environment. Such proposals have created the possibility of establishing legislation as the basis for what is right and wrong, as in the case of the Civil Rights Framework Law .
LGPD acts on the same regulation
which established the responsibility of users on the internet, but ended up being ineffective because it was not monitored. Thus, the LGPD came to change Afghanistan Phone Number List this. General Data Protection Law After years of debate, some projects have finally come to fruition. In August 2018, former President Michel Temer signed into law Brazil’s General Data Protection Law (13.709/2018) . There are which is scheduled to come into effect on August 16, 2020. The but may be delayed until May 2021 due to the novel coronavirus pandemic . The on how organizations must collect, store and manage user data. It also brings with it some modifications to articles of the Internet Civil Rights Framework.