Do I buy from Finnish professionals

In the beginning, I have given my own e-books and online courses really cheaply and even for free, so that I have received feedback and development ideas from them. 

 testimonials that prove that I know what I am doing. I do not feel that I am being taken advantage of or taken advantage of by these individuals who have received my product for free.

 Tim Ferris did? An Indian virtual assistant works for an entrepreneur for $5 an hour, who can spend the free time sitting under a palm tree or taking a child to psychotherapy.

I have done the same

Is using a virtual assistant exploitation? I don’t think so, because they are also professionals who surely like the special data work they do. When they do their job well and even better than the customer expects, they start getting positive feedback. 

They are recommended and their customer base is growing. And who wouldn’t want to recommend a service that positively exceeds expectations?

One day this Indian virtual assistant may start his own company and hire others to do the assistant’s work. Now the Indian who became the owner of the company is on his way to his own 4-hour work week – if he wants it.

So even though we feel that paying $15 to a foreigner is “exploitation”, for him it could be a whole month’s salary. And he gets it by doing only 2 hours of work.

What if I outsource some work to, say, India, like

The discussion about Blogger as a Professional™ in the Facebook community was extremely interesting and I respect everyone’s thoughts on this topic.

What made the conversation interesting was that I also had to question my own thoughts and beliefs about the 4-hour work week.

I’ll be proud if/when I get to that point one day. Then it means that

my company is so solvent that I can pay other professionals for their work
I am trusted so much that people who pursue blogging USA B2B List dreams want to come and learn my knowledge
I have time to sit at the table with my child at 8:00 in the morning and talk about history
I have time to take my child to neuropsychological rehabilitation so that he can get the right tools to deal with his permanent syndrome at school
I have time to go to lunch with my friend, talk about cats and laugh at their latest antics
I have time to go for a walk in the middle of the forest, stop to listen to the falling of a hand and smell the scents of the forest
i have time to take a nap because my sick cat has been waking me up for 4 weeks at 11.30pm, 3.35am and 4.30am – every night
I have time to write blog posts and weekly letters for wonderful people who come back to my blog and weekly letters again and again.​​​​

But there is always the possibility that I don’t want to reduce  my work to only 4 hours a week because I really love this job. And no matter how much money I got, I would do this job regardless

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