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Do Links Still Matter for Rankings A Study

Redirects solve this problem by seamlessly sending visitors to the content’s new location. Help search engines understand your site – Redirects tell search engines where content has moved and whether the move is permanent or temporary. This affects if and how the pages appear in their search results. If you’re rebranding Do Links Still and moving from one domain to another, you’ll need to permanently redirect all the pages on the old domain to their locations on the new domain.

When merging websites

If you’re merging multiple websites into one, you’ll need to permanently redirect old URLs to new URLs.  This helps to ensure that any backlinks to the old page still executive data count for SEO purposes. It also ensures that any bookmarks or internal links still work. Implementing HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) on your server stops people from accessing non-secure (HTTP) content on your site.  However, we argue that it’s best practice these days—even if just to speed things up a bit for users.

Redirecting URLs makes sense when you move content, but it also often makes sense to redirect when you delete content. This is because seeing a “404 not found” error isn’t ideal when a user tries to access a deleted page. It’s often more user friendly to redirect them to a relevant working alternative.

Types of redirects Redirects

Are split into two groups: server-side redirects and client-side redirects. Each group contains a number of redirects that search engines view as either temporary or USA B2B List permanent. So you’ll need to use the right redirect for the task at hand to avoid potential SEO issues. Server-side redirects Do Links Still A server-side redirect is one where the server decides where to redirect the user or search engine when a page is requested. It does this by returning a 3XX HTTP status code. If you’re doing SEO, you’ll be using server-side redirects most of the time, as client-side redirects (we’ll discuss those shortly) have a few drawbacks and tend to be more suitable for quite specific and rare use cases. A 302 redirect forwards users to the new URL and tells search engines that the resource has temporarily moved.

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