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First Anniversary DCloud Innovates Building

Exactly one year ago, PT Datacomm Diangraha inaugurated the birth of a local public cloud service called DCloud. DCloud was born from the aspirations of PT Datacomm Diangraha to participate in building the domestic IT industry ecosystem.

Through the local cloud ecosystem, DCloud is expected to be able to compete with similar service providers from abroad.

Moreover, Dcloud Products and Services Also Have International Standards.

With Local Data Center Facilities. However, The Security and Sovereignty of Dcloud. Data is Fully Guaranteed Because It Has Been Adjusted. To National and International Requirements and Regulations.

The emergence of DCloud is expected to be the answer for information technology users in Indonesia who need a local, safe and reliable public cloud.

In addition DCloud is expected to be the first step in developing

By encouraging local businesses to continue Whatsapp Mobile Number List to grow and innovate. Cloud computing technology can provide opportunities for businesses to innovate in information technology that can increase efficiency, competitiveness and differentiation to expand their market.

The theme chosen for this first DCloud anniversary celebration is Innovation. However, As a marker of the increasing variety of products developed to realize local business opportunities and support competitiveness.

When it was first inaugurated, DCloud started its journey with three products ( DCloud , DBlock , and DKubes ). Now, in one year of its journey, a total of 15 products and services have been officially released and are ready for use by users.

Dcloud Product Innovation

A quick list of products born from DCloud innovation over the past year

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DCloud products are divided into several USA B2B List categories, including the Computing category which consists of DCloud , DKubes , and Marketplace virtual machines which are filled with various applications that can be useful to users.

Then There is the Storage Category With Products Like Dblock. Dobject , and Dcloud File System . In the Network Category. However, Dcloud Has Dbalance , Dnet , and Ddos Protection Services . Next to the Backup Category. Dcloud Has Products Called Dbackup and Dreplicate. To Switch to the Cloud, Dcloud Also Presents Dmigrate. For a Better and Optimal Move to the Cloud.

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