In 2023, Pipfey publish the Process & Workflow Automation Report, which describ how entrepreneurs and managers choose services and software to optimize team work.
The opportunity to use a free trial period makes the choice of a service more conscious, but it also does not save you from mistakes. Often, it takes much more time to understand whether a product really suits a specific team to solve its problems.
To avoid the hassle of going through services, use our simple 5-point checklist. It contains a list of recommendations that will help you foresee all the nuances before and during the testing stage.
Step 1: List the Important Features Using the JTBD Framework
JTBD stands for Jobs to be Done. It is a formula us by marketers.
To bring a product to market, it is important to country wise email marketing list understand what kind of work consumers are willing to pay for. For example, to sell a document storage app, it is important to show the user that it takes care of tidying up their paperwork. To sell a robot vacuum cleaner, it is important to show that it will relieve the buyer of some of the housework.
This framework can be us in reverse: ask yourself what smart and attractive descriptions work you ne to do with the service. The resulting list of tasks will give you an idea of what the service should be like. If the propos product can do 10 tasks not on the list and does not cover at least 1 task from it, then it nes to be chang. Don’t even start testing it.
The team is fac with the task of exchanging messages in different formats. To choose a messenger , you ne a simple tool that will allow you to send audio recordings and text messages to each other, as well as make video calls. At the same time, a messenger that has built-in AI tools will only complicate daily communication.
Point 2: Select a deployment model using SWOT analysis
On-premise , that is, on the client side, is a more secure option b2c fax that requires its own IT team. Cloud-bas or cloud-bas option allows you to launch the service quickly, but it is less secure, since the company stores data on the service provider’s side.
Both options have their pros and cons. However, choosing a deployment model is an important issue. Implementing a certain service at an enterprise and only later finding out that the deployment model does not meet the interests of the business – sometimes such a decision can be expensive.