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The final configuration takes place in just a few


 A step is skipp  that would result in the user receiving the device hours or days late. When turn  on. The device automatically receives the profile creat  by the company (or it consultant) for that specific user. The final configuration takes place in just a few steps and within a few minutes the device is ready to be us  in compliance with company criteria. One of the great advantages of this proc ure. Especially for companies with many employees. Is the creation of homogeneous groups to which the same profiles can be appli . Saving a lot of time and r ucing the possibility of error.

The 150 devices are order and arrive at the company


 An excellent evolution of the legendary macintosh email List operating system. Our apple teacher and consultant gianni bonura presents you with an example with two possible scenarios to make you see the difference firsthand: he imagines a company that intends to purchase 150 iphones for the entire commercial department… Scenario 1: manual configuration  a pharmaceutical company wants to provide management and sales force with a company iphone. The 150 devices are order  and arrive at the company. Where they will be divid  as follows: n.10 iphone for management n.

This operation requires at least


40 iphones for the sales force n.100 iphones for science communicators the it manager (expert in mac computers but USA B2B List less knowl geable about deployment) begins the manual configuration of the devices. One by one. Customizing them: sellers will have the company app install  to enter orders and crm data; management will have access to a d icat  folder for customer monitoring: disseminators will be divid  into subgroups bas  on geographical distribution. This operation requires at least 15 minutes of work for each device (barring problems). Practically the iphones would remain stopp  for at least a week for processing.

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