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Consumers Internet Users According To

That is why in the next part of the article. We will answer questions about influencing the behavior of consumers using the web. We will tell you how to influence the purchasing decisions of Internet users and how to build the cribility of an online store. Nowadays, it is hard to imagine shopping on the Internet without at least a short check of a given product or service provider. Potential customers are looking for detail technical data and, above all, opinions of other network users. This stage of the purchasing process is referr to as the. Zero Moment of Truth.

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As it turns out, a marketing strategy bas on the. ZMOT model can bring a number of benefits, l by higher conversion and growing brand reputation. The traditional model of the purchasing process The so call moments of truth are not new, but it is not. Without reason that specialists have begun to see the ne to create another one. Until recently, three were Peru Mobile Number List known Stimulus. First Moment of Truth FMOT. Second Moment of. Truth SMOT, Second Moment of Truth. A stimulus is nothing more than a simple message, thanks to which a potential customer learns about a given product or service.

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The Erif Economic Information

So the stimulus can be, for example, an advertisement or a sponsor article. Its task is to direct you to the store or showroom of the service provider, and in the case of the Internet to click on a link leading to a given page, or, for example, to send a message. The initial, direct contact of the customer with a given product is referr to as the aforemention. First Moment of Truth. FMOT , First Moment of Truth. This is the time to make a purchase decision still bas on direct contact. If this happens, the Second Moment of Truth occurs, during. Which the buyer USA B2B List verifies the compliance of the. Description contain in the initial message stimulus with the reality.

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