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Digital Talent Scholarship Training

Bove is also shared by the Ministry of Finance where Titin works. The Ministry of Finance is one of the leading sectors in the digital transformation Digital Talent Scholarship Training How to increase the nation’s digital of government. Since 3 years ago, the Ministry of Finance has adhered to the principle of “new thinking . Of working” and was ready to plan remote working options even long before the pandemic. In a smaller scope, Titin is in charge of the IT sector providing corporate services and ICT infrastructure for the Ministry of Finance. On a daily basis, Titin is responsible for planning and developing intranet and internet data communication capacity in the Pusintek Unit to support digital transformation within the Ministry of Finance. To be able to carry out this vision of transformation, Titin.

He must acquire new digital skills

Understands very well. Titin really needs training in the field of hard skills . Luckily, this Informatics Engineering graduate from UIN Sunan How to increase the nation’s digital Kalijaga found the Digital Talent Scholarship. DTS is a Kemenkominfo scholarship initiative supported by Dicoding as the implementing partner since 2019. Of the 465 ASN personnel in his work unit, Titin was the only one who took the DTS whatsapp data scholarship and graduated well in Batch 2 in 2020. As a result, Titin has completed the Learning to Create Augmented Reality in Dicoding class in How to increase the nation’s digital less than 30 days of study. Not only that, this persistent woman continued to complete the Basic Data Visualization Learning class on her own initiative. “I follow the learning schedule with a happy heart. I worked on my Augmented Reality final project .

Simply because I hope to gain

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With enthusiasm. new knowledge that is different from everyday life in the office and can use this new knowledge in my future work. I am satisfied to find a DTS scholarship and a place to study like Dicoding.” (Titin) Obstacles to learning are not a problem Regarding learning obstacles, Titin admitted that the hardware USA B2B List specs did not actually support it. But that wasn’t the most challenging problem for him, it was time management. The responsibilities in the office are really heavy and time consuming. Not to mention her duties as a wife and mother to her only 7 year old son. Nevertheless, his determination was strong. After a month of studying at Dicoding , he admitted that he deliberately reduced the amount of sleep and rest because he could only study at night. Every day he doesn’t forget.

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