USA B2B List » Blog » How the Income Statement is Made

How the Income Statement is Made

You can make the income tax statement in three different ways. The variant you choose will determine the application and processing times, the necessary documents or the payment methods, as you can see below.

With 9 out of 10 taxpayers opting for this option each year, this is undoubtedly the most popular option when it comes to declaring income.

The Tax Agency has an online tool called RentA

Web with which taxpayers can easily submit a draft of their return identifying themselves with their ID or passport and the date of validity or issue, with their

Electronic ID or with a digital certificate. If you use your DNI, you must also present your Cl@ve PIN or Reference Number.

Once you have identified yourself, you can add or modify your personal data and the summary of your statement. If all the information is correct, you will be able to submit Database your return, select the payment method and send your signed Personal Income Tax return.

“We call you” campaign of the Tax Agency, taxpayers who have requested a prior appointment to make their income statement by telephone will receive a call from a Treasury technician. In addition to the essential reference number of the holder or holders of the declaration, the taxpayer must have at hand their ID number, the IBAN of their bank account, the IBI receipt, any supporting document that allows deductions to be applied to the IRPF (income tax affiliation to parties or unions, donations or pension plans). After providing these data, the taxpayer must transmit to the technician the information related to their work income, movable or real estate capital, capital gains or losses,

By phone Since the implementation


You can request an appointment by phone USA B2B List or through the AEAT website. When you go to the appointment, you will have to bring an identity document, an electronic certificate, your Clve PIN, your reference. The documents required to process your income statement in person are the same as in the case of filing by phone.

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