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How We lived Remotely

The HR department is watching you: it sees everything and knows everything  How We lived Remotely about the Completians. Therefore. it is better not to leave the department in silence.In 1.5 years. All departments have switche to this format. And to be honest. we feel great for a variety of reasons: Corporate chat and daily stand-ups. We have change the corporate chat with more advance functionality. Now video calls. voice and simple text messages are in one messenger – MyTeam . MyTeam Daily stand-ups are our personal must-have. These are video meetings with your department. where discussions are held for the coming day. plans and important issues are discusse. We add them to Google.

Where do we receive training

Calendar. like all other calls. Mandatory planning meetings help us maintain constant Special Data communication. At this meeting we discuss the results for the past month for all departments of the company. This may concern financial indicators. a few words about new clients. the success of the HR department (who was hire). marketing achievements. “Praise-shit” We reserve a place for the last Friday of every month . take food and listen to our colleagues On the last Friday of every month. anyone can talk about the department’s achievements over the past month. share new instructions. or something personal and interesting. for example.

MAED departmental workshops and grades

Special Data

We recently discusse “how life is in Latvia.” We often invite external speakers who share their experience and best practices. Ideator A place where every USA B2B List employee can relieve their souls and suggest improvements. If he wants to introduce an idea for discussion and improvement. he records it all in the idea book. There the statement of the problem is indicate. the department in which it is addresse. the place where you can propose your own solutions. The discussion is built between three participants: two people + HR Director. Coworking area The company rents coworking space for those who find it difficult to work at home or nee to meet with a client/team. Meeting in person is important. LEGEND-wait-wait-GIFT offline meetings! It’s always something new and large-scale.

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