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It S Easy To Reach For Them In A Few

Of observers. Such people are follow to obtain. Certain benefits for example, to be inspir to a healthier lifestyle, find out what equipment will work. Best for mountain expitions or learn the secrets of vegan cuisine. Unlike macro influencers, whom we often observe out of curiosity or because everyone does it. So micro does not mean worse. On the contrary, if we find an influencer with a smaller group of followers, but ideally suit to our. Requirements it is very possible that we will get the perfect client in the package. His followers share similar experiences, have a similar approach to life and interests.

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So it will be easier to reach people willing to. Order our product or use the service. It is worth mentioning the. ER Engagement Rate factor at this point , which helps to assess the profile of a given user. This indicator shows the ratio of the number of comments and likes to the number of followers. The higher it is, the greater the involvement of observers. Comparing the results of micro and macro influencers, one can come to the conclusion that as the Senegal Mobile Number List interest in a given account increases, the engagement decreases. influencer reach and engagement Source https upfluence Creators who trust their followers. Micro influencers care a lot about the trust of their followers.

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They create compelling content that will. Attract new ones and keep existing ones, because they cannot rely on reputation alone. The community gather around them shows great trust in them, feeling like a group of friends bound by a common passion or lifestyle. They are tangible, real and just there. It can be our neighbor from the next block, or even a doctor or yoga teacher. They are not stars, celebrities, but people of flesh and blood. If they advertise something, you can trust them. They also do not do it in a pushy way, because they usually choose USA B2B List products they believe in. Therefore, despite the relatively small size of the account, they have a great impact on their group of recipients.

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