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students who require special education

 Struggle even more, and despite our best efforts to place them in groups of “good” students who will help them, they end up frustrated. Frustrated students are not successful nor do they complete their studies with greater knowledge. On the other students who require hand, they are less motivated and often depressed. It’s not worth throwing those students who really need our help into the water without a life preserver. We must focus our attention on practices, fundamental ideas and strategies that deliver results; not those that represent the latest educational trends or that only work with exceptional students.

 Eduteka participated for the eleventh

Consecutive time in the world’s largest conference on the use of information and communication technologies ict in education. On this occasion. And qatar phone number for the first time. The congress was named after the organizing entity. The international society for technology in education iste. And was called iste before. It was always called necc. It was the thirty-first version of the congress and was held in denver. Colorado state in the western united states. Between sunday the th and wednesday the th of last june.

 The attendance at iste , as is customary

for these conferences, was extraordinary. Made up as always of teachers, school directors, librarians, technology Afghanistan Phone Number List coordinators, teacher trainers and people who make decisions in both governments and companies. This time, , participants registered. In the days immediately preceding the congress, practical workshops are offered on a wide variety of topics. On this occasion there were more than ; some for half a day, others for one day and others for more than two days; in total, there were , special registrations for these workshops.
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