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The digitalized company told from the inside #7

In the era of teleworking and company quarantines, you can (or even “must”, because this situation is destined to end) continue to be visible on the net. The Internet is not confined and it remains a formidable vector of visibility for your company. To do this, we are going to give you some tips to stay visible by a simple means: SEO.

SEO is the acronym for  or more simply

Optimization for search engines and it is a set of techniques to optimize the visibility of your website in the results of search engines like Google or others.

Start by that you consider most important in relation to your sector of activity in the title of your page. The title is the “first line of text” that is displayed in a search engine when Internet users do a search (example: a person looking for a building painting company in Lausanne can type the following words.

Still in this display in search engines

The description should not only describe your site, it should “sell” your company and your services. Coming back to the keywords, this is the most important work to be done as part of an SEO strategy. You must think carefully about which words are most important in relation to your activity and define them as the keywords to write in the texts of your site.

The simplest method so that your site appears high in search engines

It is to find these words as much as possible in your site. It is the repetition of these words that will make your site rise and to help you find the right words and those that are most likely to help you, is to use Google Ads. This is Google’s reference tool that allows you to find which words offer the most opportunity for you to be visible.

Also, don’t hesitate to (have) put forward what are called micro-data such as your address (this allows your site to appear higher if people search by location) or reviews of your company. In addition to being a potential SEO element, it is part of the reassurance elements on which people can base themselves to choose your services.

Remember that the keyword that should guide

your SEO strategy is: content. Offer in the writing of your texts. Do not neglect the quality of photos or videos which is just as important: think about compressing the size of your images so that your site is not slow to open, which could cause it to fall further down in search engines. Also think about sharing it on your social networks if you are present on some, it is also a vector of SEO.

This is obviously a job that requires a little time to be implemented effectively, but don’t forget that agencies are there to support you. If you want to take advantage of this period to work on your visibility, while helping you prepare for the end of this crisis, don’t hesitate, we are ready to stand by your side.

We are happy to advise you on your needs, constraints and ideas for improvement and give you some ideas for developing your strategy. We have known for a few days now that the deconfinement will begin in a few days.

A deconfinement,certainly gradual, but which means

That a start of return to normal of the activity of your company will be able to resume little by little. This is why it will be so important to communicate to prepare yourself, as well as your customers, for the resumption of your activity.

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In previous posts on this blog, we talked about the importance of continuing to communicate in times of crisis, such as the one we are currently experiencing. What should we adopt, now that we officially know that a return to professional activity will be able to begin?

We are all aware that a return to normal will take several

That we will have to adapt accordingly. Communication will not escape the changes to come. As a company, it will be necessary to adapt your communication strategy to these different societal upheavals. This is why we can only advise you to anticipate all this, by starting to develop a communication plan for “afterwards”. Designing an “afterwards” plan will allow you to be responsive for both your customers and your employees.

This new plan can then be divided into two parts:

The first on your communication actions for the coming days “pre-deconfinement” (how you will organize yourself, the actions you will implement, etc.) and the second, on the future, once this deconfinement has begun (explain in detail your actions implemented, the modalities of a new operation).

Now think about what you are going to say in the coming days and once the confinement is gradually lifted. This will prepare you and your employees for how you are going to organize yourself. But starting to communicate now will also allow your customers to prepare themselves and not leave them in the dark. Don’t forget that they must also prepare for the aftermath…

This will allow everyone to be ready

so that your business can function as normally as possible again, in relation to the necessarily particular context. To paraphrase a famous phrase: to anticipate is to foresee.  We are happy to advise you on your needs, constraints and ideas for improvement and give you some ideas for developing your strategy.

Following our first post on the importance of communicating in order to prepare for the return of your activity to a certain normality, we are going to give you some advice to help you prepare well

The first thing is to be positive in what you are going to say

industry email list

Everyone is aware of the economic difficulties that have started and will continue for a long time. This is why your speech must be constructive, tinged with confidence in order to approach the aftermath serenely. And above all, by showing optimism (without falling into excess of course),

You will give a feeling of reassurance to your partners so that they too can get back on track as serenely as possible in this necessarily particular context. You denmark phone number by data must create a virtuous circle. However, measure your speech. Start communicating only when you are ready and have defined the first concrete avenues of your recovery plan.

Then be transparent. Being optimistic does not prevent you from being transparent. Transparency allows you to maintain, and even accentuate especially in this period, the bond of trust that you have created with your partners. Be honest and remain faithful to the values ​​that have made your company successful.

Also find the right tone in the message

You are going to convey. Be optimistic, without being overly enthusiastic. To do this, maintain your authenticity and your communication style. Do not try to reinvent yourself. Each company has its own communication style, it is what makes its identity and what customers trust them.

In the coming weeks don’t try to be everywhere by communicating excessively.

Stay focused on your current customers, they will need you and you will need them. The relationship of mutual trust that you have built over the years will be adb directory  even more important. Consequently, personalize your campaign as much as possible. It’s simple, but by doing this. You will show your customers that you are thinking of them and the psychological spring that this can create will be very important for the future.

Finally, preparing for the short-term future should not prevent

You from preparing for the longer term. We all know that the period we have just gone through will profoundly change things and habits. This is why the last piece of advice in this post will be to start thinking about a long-term . Behaviors will change and communication messages will have to follow this trend of changes that will follow.


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