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Patient There Is a Lot of

 Without a doubt coherent (as well as false), its conception was in force, thanks to the impulse of Ptolemy, for nearly two thousand years, until the arrival of the insightful Copernicus, an obscure Polish astronomer who thought that it would be much more functional to explain celestial phenomena and the anomalies that were notic in its movement if it was assum that it was not the sun that mov but our planet. However, a little more than a century later, in the time of Galileo, the astronomers question by this Florentine scientist still refus to accept, after putting their eyes close to the telescope that he us with enthusiasm to delve into the heavens, that matter subtlety of which the sun was made could tolerate spots in its structure, because, they said, Aristotle – the “master of those who know”,

Way of Loving Is Very

 But little by little, however, that old paradigm (to use Kuhnian phrasing) was supers by the emerging heliocentrism that is now our frame of reference. “I am a friend of Plato, but I am even more a friend of the truth,” he wrote in Nicomachean Ethics : the statement thus establish the critical distance assum by Aristotle with respect to the doctrine of his teacher and against which business lead he assumes a perspective that could be call empiricist, which, in short, is clearly manifest in its ontological conception, thanks to which it attributes to substance, compos of matter and form, the condition of support for everything that exists.

Conditioned in This

 In open controversy with his mentor, he maintain that the Forms (those archetypal substances that liv in the heavens of a true and eternal reality separate from this transitory and perishable world, just as Plato had propos) were ti to matter. . Our world is, as he stat, real and not a deficient and transitory copy of the kingdom of USA B2B List the eternal, as his famous teacher had taught. This substantial doctrinal distance is plastically represent in that famous painting by Rafael Sanzio – The School of Athens – in which Aristotle and Plato, side by side, seem to dispute: he points to the sky, while his disciple directs her hand towards the sky.

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