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Relationships We Do Precisely the

The cult of this god comes from very ancient times. Silva Santisteban (2003) says: “Catequil was the regional personification of an ancient Pan-Andean divinity and the most important in the mountains since formative times: the God of Lightning. Thus we have the representation of a character with two scepters in the Chavín Culture and in the Kuntur Wasi monolith (1000 BC), in the Pucará Culture (400 BC), on the cover of the Sun of the Tiahuanaco Culture (700 AD), finally Illapa in the Incas, and represent as an anthropomorphic being residing in the sky, who carries a sling in each hand with which he produc thunder, rays and lightning.

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 They made pilgrimages, festivals, offer sacrifices of animals (deer, guinea pigs, especially llamas and others) and probably of children,” says Silva Santisteban. It should be not that many b2b email list current writers of the god Catequil have bas their studies on the publications made by the Canadian archaeologist John Topic and his wife Theresa Lange (1987), who have carri out studies at the archaeological site of Namanchugo, which is locat in the southeast of the Icchal hill, in the district of San José de Porcón, province of Santiago de Chuco, department of La Libertad, thus relegating the main god of the Cajamarca in relation to his toponym.

Arrogance on the

 Horacio Villanueva Urteaga affirms that Kcaja means lightning and brand, which means “place of lightning . ” Similarly, the writings of the chronicler Cieza de León point out: “…the province of Huamachuco is similar to that of Caxamalca and the Indians have the same language and costume, in religions and sacrifices they imitate each other and consequently in their clothes and shoes…”, which means that USA B2B List each town had its own ways of worshiping its main divinity. For example, the Cajamarcans carri skeins of wool on their heads that were symbolic slings with which Catequil made thunder and lightning; However, the Huamachuquinos wore huamas on their heads, which were a kind of silver crescent.

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